La NÚR, des del seu Kalaix de Sastre, m'ha donat aquest premi que em va emocionar, i més encara les paraules amb què l'acompanyava, gràcies!!!
L'he de passar a 5 blocs que llegeixi sempre i que m'agradin molt. I com el premi arriba des d'un bloc creatiu, de treballs manuals, els dos primers els trio també, pensant especialment en la creativitat pel que fa a les manualitats:
Assumpta: que no només fa coses molt boniques amb les mans, sinó que també m'inspira sempre que ho fa.
Carme: que amb els seus dibuixos il.lustra de forma molt bonica les paraules i els sentiments.
Estrip: per unes descripcions que sempre fan emocionar i reflexionar. Aquest, de tots els que nombro és el primer que vaig començar a llegir, i per tant, és un dels meus clàssics.
Cesc: paraules plenes de sensibilitat que inspiren confiança i et fan sentir a gust.
Striper: escrits originals sobre temes que provoquen sensacions d'una forma sensual i divertida.
Xexu: per la sinceritat tan espontània i natural, i una racionalitat que sovint, sembla que surti del cor, i això el fa especial.
74 comentaris:
Moltes gracies i aqui la meva felicitacio per las festas. TAMBÉ PER TU.
Sens dubte avui és el meu dia :-))
No paro de rebre coses boniques de persones meravelloses :-))
He llegit les paraules que et dedica la Núr i no puc estar més d'acord :-))
Moltíssimes gràcies per pensar en mi :-))
Ejeeemm... resulta que ho pases a persones a les que jo també ho passaria :-)) i suposo que no es pot repetir (ai, ai)
Veient els noms que has triat és evident, evident que coincidim molt, jaja :-))
A qui ho passo? (més endavant ho posaré al meu blog, però ara ho deixo aquí perquè no em passin al davant jajaja)
- Bajoqueta (té quatre blogs, la tia, no els poso pas tots ara jaja)
- Òscar (The los art of keeping a secret)
- Ferran (In varietate concordia)
- P-CFACSBC2V (Friccions)
- Vero (Las cosas de Vero)
Gràcies Robeta-Caramelet boníssim :-))
Moltíssimes gràcies, robeta d'estiu, estic molt contenta. Ja el posaré al blog i em pensaré a qui el passo. Tinc més de 60 blogs a la mev a llista i si els tinc és perquè m'agraden, i es fa difícil de triar, ja ho pensaré. Li diràs a la Bruuixoleta que pàssi èr cas a meva si et plau?
Oohh!!! Aquest premi és especial eh?! i més quan va acompanyat de paraules de dedicació com les de la Núr! A mi també me'l va donar i em vaig emocionar molt, però encara no he fet els deures... jeje...
Enhorabona pel premi guapa, te'l mereixes... i saps un secret? jo també I love your blog!!! (bé, els dos blogs vaja... jeje)
una abraçada moooolt gran!
Moltes gràcies Bruix... Roba d'estiu. És molt especial que em mencionis juntament amb la família aquesta (tots coneguts i mai prou apreciats), perquè ens coneixem de fa menys temps, però de totes maneres sempre diem això, i el temps passa, i ja anem fent camí plegats.
Descobrir-te ha estat una de les grans troballes de la segona meitat de l'any per mi, i ja veus que ara em tens aquí com un gosset cada cop que em xiven que tens un post. Que em dediquis aquestes paraules em fa molta il·lu, perquè saps jugar com pocs amb els mots, i això fa especials els teus posts i els teus comentaris, però aquest que em dediques em toca la fibra, no sé si em mereixo que em descriguis així, però m'has robat un somriure.
caram quina sorpresa més bona. No sabia quins regals demanar aquests dies i amb aquest en faig prou!
Una abraçada.
STRIPER: moltíssimes gràcies a tu per la felicitació!! ja l'he vist (i contestat), des del meu altre bloc de bruixoleta i m'ha emocionat! :-)))
ASSUMPTA: no pares de rebre coses boniques i meravelloses, pq te les mareixes, qualsevol dia! :-)***
CARME: no em canso de dir que estic encantada amb els teus regals, amb tots i tants! la bruixoleta ja has vist que ha passat per casa teva i corrents s'ha emportat el regal! Gràcies!!!. Una passada tots els dibuixos :-)***
iruNa: sí, aquest és un premi molt especial. Doncs jo tb et confessaré que I Love your blog!! Si no fós pq la Núr tb te'l va donar a tu, pots estar segura que te l'hauria donat jo.
Una abraçada mooolt forta :-))))
XEXU: descobrir-te tb ha estat una gran troballa per a mi! Ja no em perdo un post! I mira, llegint el teu comentari tan especial, ja torno a pensar en la teva espontanietat, que també m'ha arrencat un somriure :-)))
ESTRIP: me n'alegro que t'hagi agradat la sorpresa. I amb aquest comentari que has deixat jo també en faig prou! Una abraçada :-))
Enhorabona, bunika, altre cop, que te'l mereixes!!! Les paraules són totes inspirades per les autores (em sembla recordar que tot són dones, oi?), no hi ha res que hagi fet jo!
I tots els teus guardonats també felicitacions!
GRÀCIES PELS CARAMELS!!! mmmm... N'he agafat un parell pel camí fins que arribin al meu bloc! ;)
Moltes gràcies moltes gràcies... moltes gràciesssssss :))) has parlat de mi d'una forma que m'ha arribat :) mil gràcies...
NÚR: gràcies a tu! I els caramels, ja els pots agafar tots, són teus! :-)***
CESC: a mi m'ha arribat el teu comentari! Gràcies :-))) Les teves paraules i la teva sensibiliat fan sentir bé en el teu bloc i també en els comentaris que deixes, sempre. Una abraçada :-))
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Suggestions on How to meet Girls at the Local mall
If you are a single guy and aren't the optimum at choosing quite a bit less meeting women and are wondering the place you may head to acquire and encounter a woman, then these ten reasonable suggestions on how to meet a chick on the mall, should really appear in mighty handy.
1 - Go on the food court. Think it or not, the food court may be the absolute most useful put in the mall to meet a young lady. Here's what you do. Choose a meals location and get in line for your meal. Even though you should be in line, search close to the region where exactly everyone is sitting and eating. Take a look for the woman sitting alone, and even two women sitting together. When you might have your meal in hand, walk more than to in which she or they're sitting and question if you can actually join them. If you are trustworthy and straightforward with them, your probabilities are fairly excellent.
2- Do some considering. In advance of you even give thought to going towards the shopping mall to fulfill a girlfriend, sit by yourself down and do some considerable contemplating. Consider how you could possibly connect a woman and what you might say to her if you were profitable. Give thought to which components of your mall you'd check out. Also, you are going to really need to obtain a thing even while there, what do you'll need? Ultimately, keep in mind what meeting a young girl inside a public destination entails. Definitely you might have to glimpse for the wedding ring ahead of speaking to some girl, and you will be expected to think about if it's wiser to speak to some toddler alone or an individual who's with other people. Ultimately, you can expect to have to be realistic about your personal age and also the ages with the gal you choose to satisfy. As in, you can should inform your self being realistic and do not consider to satisfy women that happen to be significantly younger or older than you may be, or that look out of one's league.
3 - Request assistance. As soon as you're lastly in the shopping mall, just one with the ways to satisfy ladies is by asking them for assistance. Women understand that men have no strategy what these are executing when they are purchasing, so asking for support won't seem this kind of a ridiculous suggestion. Ask for help out in picking out a jacket for your self one example is. Undertaking so let's the woman know that you are single. If she agrees to help you, ask her other questions as you grab a variety of jackets to test on.
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SplintsSplints are devices made to keep a limb immobile to help the healing process, similar to a cast. If you have a severe strain, a custom splint may be prescribed. Over-the-counter splints also are available that are more flexible, often coming with hook and loop straps to allow for easy application and removal. Ingesting water is therapeutic because it helps remove toxins from your vital organs, delivers nutrients to your working cells, carries away metabolic waste products and creates an optimal environment for the functioning of tissues in your ears, nose and throat. Without regular water ingestion, you can become dehydrated, and even mild dehydration can lower your energy and make you feel fatigued. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.These cleaners make the surfaces too slick, which can cause injuries during your next workout. Wiping down the Bowflex after every use keeps it in top condition, and prevents residue from sweat from building up. To make cleaning your Bowflex more convenient, keep a spray bottle of mild soap mixed with water and soft cloths stored near the machine. [url=http://www.cyclingcloth.com/]Cycling Cloth[/url] Little things add up and make a big difference. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, do not park close to the store and bike to work instead of driving all of these things improve fitness. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Air mattresses are definitely better to sleep on than the ground. If you're camping in colder weather, make sure to bring enough covers to lie on the bottom of the mattress. Otherwise, the vinyl gets cold and you'll sleep miserably all night. Warm shelter is crucial for cold-weather camping. Choose a tent that is rated for four seasons. Four-season tents are built with thick materials for warmth and have few mesh ventilation windows, to reduce the entrance of cold air. [url=http://www.cyclingcloth.com/]Cycling Cloth[/url] Side Quests. Another good way to make money is to go on Side quests. There are plenty of side quests that reward valuable stuff and rare weapons. If the belt is running slow and you have done everything else, it may be that your belt is ready ahead of schedule. Spread an entire tube width-wise across the center of the deck. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.You'll need to start your fire with some sort of tinder. Good tinder can be dry pine needles, bark stripped off a tree, paper or a piece of dry cloth. Your kindling is dry twigs and small branches. Prevention TechniquesPadded cycling shorts, with gel, thick chamois or cloth reinforcement along the seat and crotch area, help minimize friction and bounce when riding. Proper seat adjustment and bike seats with coiled shocks beneath also provide some relief from friction and bounce. Women to Women Health Care Center recommends that female riders "flush out their systems at the earliest signs" of urinary tract infections, consuming plenty of water to induce more frequent urination. Making as best use of the oven as possible -- cooking more than one thing at once, for instance -- is also wise. For small dishes, using a toaster oven, or reheating in a microwave will also save energy; in fact, Energy Star estimates that you can reduce cooking energy by as much as 80 percent when using the microwave instead of the oven. When cooking on the stove, using a properly sized pot for each of the stove burners alo makes a differnce; on an electric stove, for example, a 6-inch pot used on an 8-inch burner wastes more than 40 percent of the burner's heat.
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