Fa temps, una ànima, un cos, i una ment, formaven part d’una mateixa persona, sense que aquesta les escoltés per separat. I seguien un mateix camí.
Però algun dia, que ningú sap quin va ser, l’ànima va començar a sentir algo que només ella podia notar. Difícil saber què era allò que la distreia. Potser una música, una vibració subtil, o les ones d’una llum suau.
Cada dia es girava més sovint cap aquella mena de sensació que l’atreia més i més. Fins que un dia va canviar de direcció i es va començar a moure cap allí. Semblava hipnotitzada, i avançava com un vent suau, encuriosit.
Mica en mica, el cos també va començar a notar aquella mateixa sensació que el feia vibrar fluixet. I tan agradable era allò que l’atreia que també es va apartar del camí i va decidir moure’s en cap aquella altra direcció, com l’aigua d’un riu que es deixa portar per la corrent, acompanyada per la caríca suau del vent.
I de sobte, la ment, es va trobar sola. Es va mirar com l’ànima i el cos s’anaven allunyant, però ella no podia notar allò que els empenyia, i una mica desorientada, es va asseure en una roca i va començar a pensar, dubtar i analitzar-ho tot. Aquells esdeveniments la van trasbalsar molt, i cada cop tenia més por i es notava més perduda.
Després de molt pensar va arribar a la conclusió que tant l’ànima com el cos, s’estaven equivocant. I d’un bot, es va plantar enmig del camí que ells havien agafat, se’ls va posar al davant, i no els volia deixar avançar.
En aquell moment, l’ànima i el cos, ja es movien amb molta força, era difícil fer-los parar. Però la ment els barrava el pas, donant-los mil motius perquè tornéssin al camí que havien deixat. I vinga parlar i vinga analitzar, per fer-los entrar en raó i convènce’ls que tornéssin allà on eren abans.
L’impuls amb què es movia l’ànima era tan fort com un vent huracanat, la força amb què ho feia el cos era tan poderosa com un mar enfurismat. I la fermesa amb què la ment els barrava el pas era més gran que un enorme penya-segat.
I així, xocant un i un altre cop el vent i l’aigua del mar contra aquella roca, va ser com el cos va començar a posar-se malalt. L’ànima, que podia notar amb més força les vibracions que l’atreien a l’altra banda del penya-segat no es podia aturar. I la muntanya, s’estava desgastant.
Però algun dia, que ningú sap quin va ser, l’ànima va començar a sentir algo que només ella podia notar. Difícil saber què era allò que la distreia. Potser una música, una vibració subtil, o les ones d’una llum suau.
Cada dia es girava més sovint cap aquella mena de sensació que l’atreia més i més. Fins que un dia va canviar de direcció i es va començar a moure cap allí. Semblava hipnotitzada, i avançava com un vent suau, encuriosit.
Mica en mica, el cos també va començar a notar aquella mateixa sensació que el feia vibrar fluixet. I tan agradable era allò que l’atreia que també es va apartar del camí i va decidir moure’s en cap aquella altra direcció, com l’aigua d’un riu que es deixa portar per la corrent, acompanyada per la caríca suau del vent.
I de sobte, la ment, es va trobar sola. Es va mirar com l’ànima i el cos s’anaven allunyant, però ella no podia notar allò que els empenyia, i una mica desorientada, es va asseure en una roca i va començar a pensar, dubtar i analitzar-ho tot. Aquells esdeveniments la van trasbalsar molt, i cada cop tenia més por i es notava més perduda.
Després de molt pensar va arribar a la conclusió que tant l’ànima com el cos, s’estaven equivocant. I d’un bot, es va plantar enmig del camí que ells havien agafat, se’ls va posar al davant, i no els volia deixar avançar.
En aquell moment, l’ànima i el cos, ja es movien amb molta força, era difícil fer-los parar. Però la ment els barrava el pas, donant-los mil motius perquè tornéssin al camí que havien deixat. I vinga parlar i vinga analitzar, per fer-los entrar en raó i convènce’ls que tornéssin allà on eren abans.
L’impuls amb què es movia l’ànima era tan fort com un vent huracanat, la força amb què ho feia el cos era tan poderosa com un mar enfurismat. I la fermesa amb què la ment els barrava el pas era més gran que un enorme penya-segat.
I així, xocant un i un altre cop el vent i l’aigua del mar contra aquella roca, va ser com el cos va començar a posar-se malalt. L’ànima, que podia notar amb més força les vibracions que l’atreien a l’altra banda del penya-segat no es podia aturar. I la muntanya, s’estava desgastant.

83 comentaris:
Buf! qui text més bo que has fet!!!
L'ànima em diu que un s'ha de guiar sempre per ella i pel cor, i deixar-se endur cap on porti.
La ment no em deixa dir-t'ho.
M'hi he sentit molt refectida, (potser per això m'agraden tan els penya-segats)
No sé si ho he entès massa bé, però és com una guerra entre els nostres poders, oi? El text m'ha agradat molt, però em costa fer l'abstracció per entendre'l. Potser els meus tres elements estan massa units.
Suposo que vols dir que si no mirem d'aconseguir l'equilibri dins nosaltres mateixos podem acabar auto-destruint-nos...
Doncs és cert...
Així que millor tractar de buscar aquest equilibri interior :-)
Petonassos :-))
què bonic! i quina atracció tan forta... tan intensa
tot i que el relat separa l'ànima i el cos de la ment... m'agrada pensar que està escrit amb ella :)
m'ha agradat molt, carinyeta
m'agradaria saber en què es va convertir més endavant aquest penya-segat.
De vegades resulta complicat, però cal guardar la força tot i no sentir-la
Molt bo, però m'ha fet una certa impressió de patiment, no ho sé...
RITS: Gràcies! Quan l'ànima i el cor agafen un camí, és molt difícil aturar-los... tot i que de vegades, la ment ho intenta. Pel que he llegit avui al teu bloc, diria que ara, els tens a tots tres ben compenetrats, i és quan podem sentir la llibertat dins nostre :-)))
XEXU: si els teus tres elements estan molt units (que mai és massa), ets molt, molt afortunat. La lluita interna és esgotadora. Una abraçada!
ASSUMPTA: exàctament. Si perdem l'equilibri interior, podem caure. I si el desequilibri el sentim dins nostre, ningú millor que nosaltres mateixos per buscar l'equilibri. Tot i que no sempre és fàcil, val la pena intentar-ho. Petonets!!! :-))) ♥
IRUNA: de fet, el relat els separa als tres, tot i que no sé si a la realitat és així, però de vegades ho sento d'aquesta manera. Tot plegat és una metàfora, i això no sé si ho escriu el cos, la ment, l'ànima, o "les tres en una".... potser això últim, no? Molts bessitos :-)))*****
ESTRIP: doncs vinga, ara mateix em poso a escriure la segona part, que ja ho tenia "en ment" (o en "cos i ànima") i vés a saber, potser no serà la última, encara.
CESC: si, de vegades cal intentar no esgotar les forces del tot, però costa, segons com, saber quan estem a punt d'arribar al límit, tot i que hi ha certs avisos que cal escoltar atèntament.
ZEL: gràcies :-) Sí, és un relat sobre conflictes interns, i suposen cert patiment. Petonets :-)***
Aquest escrit no l'havia vist! :S
He intentat visualitzar aquesta imatge que descrius i el que he vist és que el vent és l'únic que romandrà immune a aquesta topada entre vent, mar i penya-segat. El penya-segat patirà l'erosió del vent i el mar, i el mar rebrà les pedregades que cauen del penya-segat per les envestides de l'aigua i l'aire.
El vent potser es cansa i deixa de bufar... prò em sembla que això no passa...
NUR: tens raó... potser tot és cosa del vent, ell roman immune i a més, si ell afluixa, tot es tranquil.litza. El vent sempre bufa, però de vegades ho fa suau i és agradable i tot... Petonets :-)***
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I així, xocant un i un altre cop el vent i l’aigua del mar contra aquella roca, va ser com el cos va començar a posar-se malalt. L’ànima, que podia notar amb més força les vibracions que l’atreien a l’altra banda del penya-segat no es podia aturar. I la muntanya, s’estava desgastant.
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I thought htat was really funny. I also thought it was sad how she put herself as the middle child that never gets what she wants, and i thought it was funny how she said she was the kid most likely to end up a teen runaway, that was hilarious.
A long silence followed Hagrid’s story. Then Madam Rosmerta said with some satisfaction, “But he didn’t manage to disappear, did he? The Ministry of Magic caught up with him next day!”
“Alas, if only we had,” said Fudge bitterly. “It was not we who found him. It was little Peter Pettigrew — another of the Potters’ friends. Maddened by grief, no doubt, and knowing that Black had been the Potters’ Secret-Keeper, he went after Black himself.”
“Pettigrew … that fat little boy who was always tagging around after them at Hogwarts?” said Madam Rosmerta.
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In this chapter it said that Alex woke up and there was nobody next to her' she couldn’t even hear any anybody outside the tent what she did was just waited inside the tent and as soon she was waiting she heard a group off people running into the tent but it was actually her friends, every body got in and they made a circle and played a gee called spin the bottle, as they were all playing simon came to the window of the tent and told everyone come outside and help pack up their stuff.
“The true Patronus does do that,” said Lupin. “But you’ve achieved a great deal in a very short space of time. If the dementors put in an appearance at your next Quidditch match, you will be able to keep them at bay long enough to get back to the ground.”
“You said it’s harder if there are loads of them,” said Harry.
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There was a great “Ooooooh” of disappointment from the Gryffindor supporters, but much applause for their Beater from the Ravenclaw end. George Weasley vented his feelings by hitting the second Bludger directly at the offending Beater, who was forced to roll right over in midair to avoid it.
“Gryffindor leads by eighty points to zero, and look at that Firebolt go! Potter’s really putting it through its paces now, see it turn — Chang’s Comet is just no match for it, the Firebolt’s precision-balance is really noticeable in these long —”
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Hermione was screaming; Ron was yelling; there was a blinding flash as the wands in Black’s hand sent a jet of sparks into the air that missed Harry’s face by inches; Harry felt the shrunken arm under his fingers twisting madly, but he clung on, his other hand punching every part of Black it could find.
But Black’s free hand had found Harry’s throat —
“No,” he hissed, “I’ve waited too long —”
The fingers tightened, Harry choked, his glasses askew.
Then he saw Hermione’s foot swing out of nowhere. Black let go of Harry with a grunt of pain; Ron had thrown himself on Black’s wand hand and Harry heard a faint clatter —
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Snape turned on his heel and marched through the door Fudge was still holding. It closed behind them, and Dumbledore turned to Harry and Hermione. They both burst into speech at the same time.
“Professor, Black’s telling the truth — we saw Pettigrew —”
“— he escaped when Professor Lupin turned into a werewolf —”
“— he’s a rat —”
“— Pettigrew’s front paw, I mean, finger, he cut it off —”
“— Pettigrew attacked Ron, it wasn’t Sirius —”
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Uncle Vernon laid aside his paper with a deep sniff of disap¬proval and looked down at his own grapefruit quarter.
“Is this it?” he said grumpily to Aunt Petunia.
Aunt Petunia gave him a severe look, and then nodded pointedly at Dudley, who had already finished his own grapefruit quarter and was eyeing Harry’s with a very sour look in his piggy little eyes.
Uncle Vernon gave a great sigh, which ruffled his large, bushy mustache, and picked up his spoon.
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Harry knew that Apparating meant disappearing from one place and reappearing almost instantly in another, but had never known any Hogwarts student to do it, and understood that it was very difficult.
“So they’re still in bed?” said Fred grumpily, pulling his bowl of porridge toward him. “Why can’t we Apparate too?”
“Because you’re not of age and you haven’t passed your test,” snapped Mrs. Weasley. “And where have those girls got to?”
She bustled out of the kitchen and they heard her climbing the stairs.
“You have to pass a test to Apparate?” Harry asked.
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“Tell me what, Arthur?” Mrs. Weasley repeated, in a dangerous sort of voice.
“It’s nothing, Molly,” mumbled Mr. Weasley, “Fred and George just — but I’ve had words with them —”
“What have they done this time?” said Mrs. Weasley. “If it’s got anything to do with Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes —”
“Why don’t you show Harry where he’s sleeping, Ron?” said Hermione from the doorway.
“He knows where he’s sleeping,” said Ron, “in my room, he slept there last —”
“We can all go,” said Hermione pointedly.
“Oh,” said Ron, cottoning on. “Right.”
“Yeah, we’ll come too,” said George.
“You stay where you are!” snarled Mrs. Weasley.
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Clutching their purchases, Mr. Weasley in the lead, they all hurried into the wood, following the lantern-lit trail. They could hear the sounds of thousands of people moving around them, shouts and laughter, snatches of singing. The atmosphere of feverish excitement was highly infectious; Harry couldn’t stop grin¬ning. They walked through the wood for twenty minutes, talking and joking loudly, until at last they emerged on the other side and found themselves in the shadow of a gigantic stadium. Though Harry could see only a fraction of the immense gold walls sur¬rounding the field, he could tell that ten cathedrals would fit com¬fortably inside it.sinus doctor nycleaning supplies office louisville
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“Don’t you be clever with me, boy! I want to know what you’re re¬ally up to — and don’t give me any more of this listening to the news tosh! You know perfectly well that your lot …”
“Careful, Vernon!” breathed Aunt Petunia, and Uncle Vernon low¬ered his voice so that Harry could barely hear him, “… that your lot don’t get on our news!”
“That’s all you know,” said Harry.
The Dursleys goggled at him for a few seconds, then Aunt Petunia said, “You’re a nasty little liar. What are all those —” she too lowered her voice so that Harry had to lip-read the next word, “— owls — doing if they’re not bringing you news?”
“Aha!” said Uncle Vernon in a triumphant whisper. “Get out of that one, boy! As if we didn’t know you get all your news from those pesti¬lential birds!”
Harry hesitated for a moment. It cost him something to tell the truth this time, even though his aunt and uncle could not possibly know how bad Harry felt at admitting it.
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Mr. Clawson said the covert campaign was far preferable to overt airstrikes by Israel or the United States on suspected Iranian nuclear sites. “Sabotage and assassination is the way to go, if you can do it,” he said. “It doesn’t provoke a nationalist reaction in Iran, which could strengthen the regime. And it allows Iran to climb down if it decides the cost of pursuing a nuclear weapon is too high.”
Clutching their purchases, Mr. Weasley in the lead, they all hurried into the wood, following the lantern-lit trail. They could hear the sounds of thousands of people moving around them, shouts and laughter, snatches of singing. The atmosphere of feverish excitement was highly infectious; Harry couldn’t stop grin¬ning. They walked through the wood for twenty minutes, talking and joking loudly, until at last they emerged on the other side and found themselves in the shadow of a gigantic stadium. Though Harry could see only a fraction of the immense gold walls sur¬rounding the field, he could tell that ten cathedrals would fit
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“Careful, Vernon!” breathed Aunt Petunia, and Uncle Vernon low¬ered his voice so that Harry could barely hear him, “… that your lot don’t get on our news!”
“That’s all you know,” said Harry.
The Dursleys goggled at him for a few seconds, then Aunt Petunia said, “You’re a nasty little liar. What are all those —” she too lowered her voice so that Harry had to lip-read the next word, “— owls — doing if they’re not bringing you news?”
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“Jealous?” Harry said incredulously. “Jealous of what? He wants to make a prat of himself in front of the whole school, does he?”
“Look,” said Hermione patiently, “it’s always you who gets all the attention, you know it is. I know it’s not your fault,” she added quickly, seeing Harry open his mouth furiously. “I know you don’t ask for it … but — well — you know, Ron’s got all those brothers to compete against at home, and you’re his best friend, and you’re really famous — he’s always shunted to one side whenever people see you, and he puts up with it, and he never mentions it, but I suppose this is just one time too many. …”
“Great,” said Harry bitterly. “Really great. Tell him from me I’ll swap any time he wants. Tell him from me he’s welcome to it. … People gawping at my forehead everywhere I go. …”
“I’m not telling him anything,” Hermione said shortly. “Tell him yourself. It’s the only way to sort this out.”
“I’m not running around after him trying to make him grow up!” Harry said, so loudly that several owls in a nearby tree took flight in alarm. “Maybe he’ll believe I’m not enjoying myself once I’ve got my neck broken or —”
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“Jealous?” Harry said incredulously. “Jealous of what? He wants to make a prat of himself in front of the whole school, does he?”
“Look,” said Hermione patiently, “it’s always you who gets all the attention, you know it is. I know it’s not your fault,” she added quickly, seeing Harry open his mouth furiously. “I know you don’t ask for it … but — well — you know, Ron’s got all those brothers to compete against at home, and you’re his best friend, and you’re really famous — he’s always shunted to one side whenever people see you, and he puts up with it, and he never mentions it, but I suppose this is just one time too many. …”
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This is an amazing blog. Though I am not on the trip, I feel I am learning so much looking at the pictures and reading the summary of each day and the comments posted. I see how this trip truly is a life changing experience. May the memories help all of you in the lives you live.
impianti fotovoltaiciit repairThree days later, Mr. Rothman called to tell Mr. Pascrell that he would run against him. Mr. Pascrell said he was “stunned.” Then Mr. Rothman announced a list of leaders supporting him, making Mr. Pascrell suspect he had spent the weekend securing endorsements, not weighing his decision.
Mrs. Weasley, who had evidently been waiting for them in the front yard, came running toward them, still wearing her bedroom slippers, her face pale and strained, a rolled-up copy of the Daily Prophet clutched in her hand.
“Arthur — I’ve been so worried — so worried —”
She flung her arms around Mr. Weasley’s neck, and the Daily Prophet fell out of her limp hand onto the ground. Looking down, Harry saw the headline: SCENES OF TERROR AT THE QUID¬DITCH WORLD CUP, complete with a twinkling black-and-white photograph of the Dark Mark over the treetops.
“You’re all right,” Mrs. Weasley muttered distractedly, releasing Mr. Weasley and staring around at them all with red eyes, “you’re alive. … Oh boys …”
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There was a great “Ooooooh” of disappointment from the Gryffindor supporters, but much applause for their Beater from the Ravenclaw end. George Weasley vented his feelings by hitting the second Bludger directly at the offending Beater, who was forced to roll right over in midair to avoid it.security bekleidung auf rechnung kaufenbackup active directory
website builderwebmaster forum“Careful, Vernon!” breathed Aunt Petunia, and Uncle Vernon low¬ered his voice so that Harry could barely hear him, “… that your lot don’t get on our news!”
“That’s all you know,” said Harry.
The Dursleys goggled at him for a few seconds, then Aunt Petunia said, “You’re a nasty little liar. What are all those —” she too lowered her voice so that Harry had to lip-read the next word, “— owls — doing if they’re not bringing you news?”
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“Is this it?” he said grumpily to Aunt Petunia.
Aunt Petunia gave him a severe look, and then nodded pointedly at Dudley, who had already finished his own grapefruit quarter and was eyeing Harry’s with a very sour look in his piggy little eyes.
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But Black’s free hand had found Harry’s throat —
“No,” he hissed, “I’ve waited too long —”
The fingers tightened, Harry choked, his glasses askew.
Then he saw Hermione’s foot swing out of nowhere. Black let go of Harry with a grunt of pain; Ron had thrown himself on Black’s wand hand and Harry heard a faint clatter —
omega 3Data analysisThe situation remained particularly severe in Spain, where unemployment hit 23.3 per cent in January, up from 20.6 per cent a year ago. Spain's youth unemployment came in just shy of 50 per cent.
The grim news on jobs was accompanied by a rise in inflation, with the consumer price index edging up to 2.7 per cent in February as a result of high oil prices brought on by a cold winter.
Competitive swimming was not well developed in Western Australia; races were held in muddy river pools so, in late 1955, O'Halloran moved to the east coast to support his attempt to qualify for the Olympics. His new coach, Frank Guthrie, overhauled his training regimen and within a year O'Halloran had reduced his times by approximately 10%. He gained Olympic selection in the relay and the 400 m freestyle. O'Halloran led off the Australian quartet on the way to a new world record, before placing sixth in the 400 m. Thereafter, O'Halloran's career was beset by ear problems, and he retired in 1958 after failing to qualify for the 1958 British Empire and Commonwealth Games. In 1976, O'Halloran died after tripping and accidentally shooting himself.
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Mr. Gidley said that Mr. Santorum would compete effectively for delegates, but that the campaign did not have a designated staff person to track that process.
Mr. Romney has already captured 150 delegates, according to estimates by The Associated Press. Mr. Santorum has 85, Mr. Gingrich 29, Representative Ron Paul 18 and Jon M. Huntsman Jr., who dropped out of the race, 2. On Tuesday, 437 delegates will be at stake, with 29 more to be awarded when voting in the Wyoming caucuses ends on Saturday.
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When the result in Ohio was still pending, Mr. Romney assured supporters in Boston, “I’m going to get this nomination.” But acknowledging the mode that his campaign has now entered, he added: “Tonight we’re doing some counting. We’re counting up delegates.”
Hermione was screaming; Ron was yelling; there was a blinding flash as the wands in Black’s hand sent a jet of sparks into the air that missed Harry’s face by inches; Harry felt the shrunken arm under his fingers twisting madly, but he clung on, his other hand punching every part of Black it could find.Rent Listdewa poker
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“Why don’t you show Harry where he’s sleeping, Ron?” said Hermione from the doorway.
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“That’s all you know,” said Harry.
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The situation remained particularly severe in Spain, where unemployment hit 23.3 per cent in January, up from 20.6 per cent a year ago. Spain's youth unemployment came in just shy of 50 per cent.
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Mr. Clawson said the covert campaign was far preferable to overt airstrikes by Israel or the United States on suspected Iranian nuclear sites. “Sabotage and assassination is the way to go, if you can do it,” he said. “It doesn’t provoke a nationalist reaction in Iran
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